I have done several tries with the default B737-800 in fsX.
I have some issues, but I don’t know if it’s because I don’t use correctly the soft with good parameters.
- Raising gear after take-off.
o In spite of choosing this option, my copilot never raise the gear.
- Turn on landing light and strobe light when entering the runway.
o I believe my copilot never turned them on entering the runway in spite of choosing the option mng complexe lights. Perhaps because i put it in my before T/O checklist with option 1 - 1.
o But the copilot is able to turn them off after landing.
o I don’t know why for now, but sometimes he don’t turn them off too. I will continue to test.
- Spd hold.
o In spite of choosing the option “set SPD” in the aircraft profile, the option “Spd hold” is inactive in the screen OPT. Is it normal ?
- Autobrakes option
o I have choosen the option Autobrakes = 1 in the user profile, the copilot continue to choose 2 when we arrive near the dest (seems 25 nm as you say).
o It seems there is no detection when i put it in the after start checklist or after landing checklist with option 1 - 1
- Before landing checklist.
o I choose an another figures than 5 nm in user profile, it seems to work good with this new distance, but when I reopen the user profile page, my figure is not proposed. I have seen in the user.cfg file, and my previous figure is ok (perhaps a problem of screening ?)
- Order on altitude for engaging AP options.
o I choose to engage the ap in this order (spd hold 1200 – AP 1400 – Lnav 1600 – Vnav 1800). I don’t understand why, but the copilot don’t want to engage Lnav. It try another order and it works : spd - lnav - vnav - AP.
o Is there a special order between those options or special altitudes ?
- Seat belts = 11000 MSL
o I don’t see anything on seat belts in spite of using this option. What is the effect ?
- Bank angle user profile :
o I think you already saw the bank angle is in Knts ;-)
- GS Warn user profile :
o I think you already saw the GS warn is in degree ;-)
- Mng aircraft heading aircraft profil
o Can you explain me when the copilot use this option, please. I saw a change in the heading just after take off or perhaps just before. I don’t remember exactly, but I will continue to test.
- Reset to VS :
o I saw the Speed hold goes to N1 instead of Spd when you reach the 1000 ft near the altitude choosen in descent. Is it normal ? on B737 i can choose a N1 so it's not a problem.
- I also have problems to achieve all the approach checklist sometimes, but I can’t tell something else for now. I will continue to test. Perhaps because of some phrases in checklist with option 1-1.
- Could you do some precisions with the options in checklist profile, please :
o I see some options with Y : for example : vertical speed 293. I want the copilot checks something but I can’t find what. I have choose “set” with a result 1 but no effect. I have also choose “up” with a result 1 but no effect to. It’s because, I don’t know what the program checks you see.
- Well, with all those questions, I think you will have a huge of time to search… thank you in advance.
I also use the standard FSX B737_800 and also cannot get the co-pilot to raise the gear.
Also the auto brake is still not right. I always use setting of 2 but it insists of only moving it to 1 and it does not return to 0 after take off.
There are a few other things also but I will play around more first before I report them such as the flaps as I am not sure I have mastered the workings just yet.
Overall you have done an excellent job and it is great to fly with a co-pilot.
Well done.